Call to support option 4 as consultation on College Green and Dame Street plaza ends today

Campaigners have called on members of the public to support option 4 for the College Green and Dame Street plaza.

Back in September, Dublin City Council said that 95% of submissions to date supported option 4 which includes extending the plaza from College Green along Dame Street to its junction with South George’s Street. As of Monday, the council said 1,420 people had responded to the consultation.

The first attempt by the council to apply for permission for the plaza failed. While media reports at the time focused on the impacts to buses as the reason, the previous project was rejected by An Bord Pleanála using a flawed transport report which just as much or more so focused on cars.

Dublin City Council has pointed out that the latest BusConnects plan includes an option to have no buses on the relevant section of Dame Street. Here’s an image from the council’s documents on the plaza proposals:

The other option being considered is option 3 which allows motorists to continue to drive from the Western side of Dame Street as far as Anglesea Street and circle back towards George’s Street via going around the former Central Bank building. Both options will not have buses on the relevant section of Dame Street.

The online public consultation for the renewed project ends today — further images, details and a five question online survey can be found at

The artwork for the renewed project has also been a source of wonderment:

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