Cork Cycle Campaign is seeking Cork City Council to carry out ‘quick wins’ in 2021 and have complied a list of improvements.
“Quick Wins are an important part of the puzzle to make Cork a welcoming, attractive,and safe city to cycle in. No one project or scheme will help achieve this goal. A widerange of solutions, from large investment projects, down to routine cycle lanesweeping, all contribute towards this,” the group said.
The Cork Cycling Campaign said: “The Cork Cycling Campaign appreciates the work and projects delivered in recentyears by Cork City Council, the National Transport Authority, and other keystakeholders. It is hoped that the projects listed in this report, will achieve the samelevel of success in ensuring that cycling continues to be a viable option for people totravel in Cork and helps Cork transition towards a greener, cleaner, and healthier city.”
The campaign said that the projects have been selected by its volunteers and approved by its committee of the Campaign. It said a longer list of projects was drawn upand this short list was selected on the basis of factors, including but not limited to: the ability of the project to make it easier or more attractive to cycle in Cork; the ability of the project to make it safer to cycle in Cork; and the ability of Cork City Council to deliver the project in the short-term.
DOWNLOAD: Cork Cycling Campaign quick win report.