142 politicians sign up to CyclingForAll.ie

— Check the full list to see if your elected reps are signed up.

NEWS-IN-BRIEF: 142 Irish politicians have signed up to CyclingForAll.ie, a national campaign for the infrastructure to support cycling for all ages and abilities. Those signed up include Councillors, TDs, Senators and MEPs.

The campaign aims for higher quality cycling infrastructure and looks to members of the public to ask their elected representatives to sign up at CyclingForAll.ie.

2 thoughts on “142 politicians sign up to CyclingForAll.ie”

  1. I appreciate your efforts for better cycling infrastructure.

    Surely we should be campaigning for BEST PRACTICE infrastructure as has been developed in the Netherlands, Denmark and elsewhere.

    Other nations are emulating the work done in these countries.

    We can too.


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