Dublin City Council is soon to launch ‘Rate My Signals’, a system for residents to give feedback on traffic light signals.
The council is live-testing the web form at ratemyservice.eu/TrafficSignalFeedback, and is expected to launch it officially by March. A briefing on the system was given to the city’s transport committee this afternoon.
Jo Martin, an executive ITS officer and project manager at Dublin City Council, said before Rate My Signals there was no dedicated way for the public to give feedback on traffic signals.
She said it was part of the EU Interreg’s Be-Good open data project, which aims to ‘generate value from and stimulate sustainable ecosystems for open data’.

Gary Kearney, a disability advocate, said that could be issues with people with disabilities, such as people with sight issues. Martin, an executive ITS officer, said that this was raised as an issue already and the developers of the web form are looking to address this issues.
Kearney then said there were more people with disabilities than those with sight issues, and asked why he was not consulted.
Cllr Janet Horner (Green Party) said that the feedback might go against the city council’s wider objective if motorists look for more green time “but we’re doing them because the evidence saying they are right” and that the public has been asked to give feedback and consultation on a lot of issues already.
Brendan O’Brien, the council’s executive manager for its transport section, said that just because people looked for more green light time does not mean it would be automatedly given and officials would take account of policy.