New contra-flow cycle route will allow people to bypass Dublin’s Christchurch junction

A newly finished contra-flow cycle route along the west and north side of Dublin Castle will allow people to bypass the large and busy Christchurch junction.

The Werburgh Street Cycle Route was first planned in 2020 and partly implemented since then, but the junction of Bride Street and Bride Road remained unfinished until now (see the video and images below).

The new contra-flow route (shown in green below) should help people cycling to/from locations locally to have shorter trips in more dedicated space. Combined with the existing contra-flow route on Bull Alley Street (shown in purple), it will allow people who are cycling northbound on Partick Street towards Dame Street to avoid the Christchurch junction.

Have you used the junction or the full contra-flow route yet? Any thoughts on how it works?

Here’s a video if it in action from Alan:

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