Active Travel news in brief: Routes progress, events, jobs, and more

Coastal Mobility Route extended in Dublin

Although it is not open yet, the two-way cycle path on the Rock Road from Blackrock Park to Trimleston Avenue has effectively extended Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s flagship Coastal Mobility Route to the boundary with Dublin City Council’s area. The project includes some mixing of walking and cycling.

Any progress on Dublin City Council’s side will depend on the outcome of the Strand Road case with the Court of Appeal, a written judgement from which is expected to be published before the Court’s summer recess.

Beyond the Commute event

The Dublin Commuter Coalition says it has only a few tickets left to attend in-person for its Beyond the Commute event this Thursday, June 29, at 6pm at the Academy Plaza Hotel off O’Connell Street Upper. If you miss out on those tickets, you can also sign up to watch online.

The event will include special guest Transport Minister Eamon Ryan and a panel of speakers including Aaron Copeland, Creative Director of A Playful City; Dr Ciara Murphy, Environmental Policy Advocate at Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice; Janis Morrissey, Director of Health Promotion, Information & Training at the Irish Heart Foundation; and Brian Caufield, Professor in Transportation and Head of Department at Trinity College Dublin.

IBikeBop this Friday

Friday is the last of the month, so, it’s critical mass time:

Galway City Council jobs

Galway City Council are advertising for two positions — an active travel officer and a communications officer covering active travel. The deadline for both is this Friday, June 30. See for more see

Green School and Safe Routes to School Programme jobs

Green Schools, part of the An Taisce Environmental Education Unit, are also hiring active travel staff. The Safe Routes to School Programme is looking to hire an infrastructure officer (deadline on Friday, June 30), and Green Schools are looking to hire a cycling development officer for Dublin and travel officers, one covering Meath, Westmeath and Cavan, and the second covering Limerick City and County and North Tipperary (for all three of these, the deadline is tomorrow, Wednesday, June 28). See for more see

Miller’s Lane upgrade opens in Galway

The near-1km Miller’s Lane project which links Rahoon Road, Western Distributor Road and Kingston Road, opened last week in Galway.

Long-term Strategy for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

Public Consultation on Ireland’s Long-term Strategy for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions, including the transport element of such, ends this Friday, June 30. For more see to reignite ahead of 2024 elections
Feedback is requested before reignites ahead of 2024 local and European Parliament elections, for more see here.

Royal Canal Greenway works advancing in Dublin City

As reported recently without up-close images, the Royal Canal Greenway works are advancing in Dublin City with the heavy works including the foundation for the new walking and cycling bridge across the canal. Here are some of the council’s photos of the progress:

2 thoughts on “Active Travel news in brief: Routes progress, events, jobs, and more”

  1. The trimleston-Blackrock Park stretch is fantastic! Just tried it out today – not officially open and some of it is blocked off, but how wonderful to cycle freely with the sea to your side, all them fast vehicles safely kerbed away from your vulnerable soft human body, and no stress about stressing out pedestrians. Another win for DLR. They are Good. Trimleston to the Merrion Shopping Centre is HORRIBLE in both directions. Fast/close-passing buses and taxis, uneven surfaces, badly parked cars. DCC whatever happens with Strand Road, please sort this out.


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