Bleeper and Moby offer bicycle dropoff point at start of Dublin City Marathon

— Drop-off service not available for DublinBikes, other bike share or private bikes.

– Five hours free Moby bike use for the first 1,000 people to use their offer code this weekend.

Bleeper and Moby, two of Dublin City’s stationless bicycle share companies, will have pop-up parking for the Dublin City Marathon this Sunday.

Bleeper said: “There will be a special pop-up parking facility for Bleeper and Moby bikes for the Dublin City Marathon on Sunday October 29th.

“Bleeper & Moby staff will be on hand at the location on Leinster Street South throughout the morning to accept bikes. This means you won’t have to go searching for a public cycle parking stand to end your Bleeper trip,” the company said.

Free use of Moby bike offer

Moby are also offering the first 1,000 people to use their offer code five hours free on Saturday or Sunday of this weekend.

The Dublin City Marathon tweeted: “Looking for a quick way to get to the Marathon Expo or the #IrishLifeDublinMarathon start line? MobyMove are offering 5hrs of free ride time with them when you use the code: DUBLINMARATHON2023 The offer ends October 30.

No service for DublinBikes or private bikes

But Bleeper highlighted: “Please note that we cannot accept privately-owned bikes or DublinBikes – the facility is only for Bleeper and Moby bikes.”

Dublin City Council were contacted on Thursday evening and again on Friday afternoon asking why there was no provision made for its DublinBikes or people’s own bikes.

It is common in some cities for attended drop off points or temporary docking stations to be used for docked bike share at large events.

It is also common in some cities around the world to have a bicycle valet service at large events — this is where the owner is given a ticket and staff guard bicycles until the owner returns with that ticket.

1 thought on “Bleeper and Moby offer bicycle dropoff point at start of Dublin City Marathon”

  1. So that’s why I could find a spot to lock my bike at Aldi & Lidl this morning.

    Bleeper & Moby are the bain of shopping-cyclists. These companies (not their users) just plonk half a dozen bikes outside supermarkets and leave them there, taking our spaces. Then we have to go looking for a pole out in the street.


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