Dublin Cycle Planner needs a health warning

As we recently reported, the National Transport Authority launched their online cycling route planner for the Dublin area. The planner (online here) should excel at showing cyclists and would-be cyclists easier or quieter routes. At the moment it horribly fails on this — so much so it should not have been launched or at least come with a health warning.

We tried several routes between three places we’ve lived at on the north side of Dublin City and work locations as well as commutes to a college and a university.  On the ‘balanced’ and ‘easier’ route options the planned recommended routes which includes gates and steep steps:


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Dublin cycling route planner launched

An online cycling route planner for the Dublin area was launched today by the National Transport Authority (NTA). It can be found at journeyplanner.transportforireland.ie and as an Android App on … Read more

Gardai refuse to fine driver who hit cyclist, says mother

Rock Road Street View
A view of the Rock Road from Google Street View

According to the mother of a female cyclist, who was left bloodied and confused in shock on the side of the road, Gardai have chosen not prosecute or fine the taxi driver who crashed into her daughter because his car was not travelling at speed and that the collision was a “misjudgement”.

The taxi driver – who had a client in his car – stopped and gave his details to the cyclist, but continued on without phoning for medical or police help. The cyclist’s mother said that the woman was left bleeding with facial injuries and crying on the side of the road.

The woman, Patrica Delmonte, told RTE’s Liveline earlier today that her daughter was hit when she was cycling in a cycle lane on the Rock Road in Dublin.  She said her daughter was without a phone and in a “terrified” in a state of shock fearing another car may hit her.

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Dublin City Council continues to put cyclists on footpaths

Bicycle symbols to be painted onto the footpath surface.

Despite Dublin City councillors highlighting cyclists on footpaths as an issue for many residents, the city is planning to mix cyclists and pedestrians at a busy roundabout on the South Circular Road.

The councillors say they are often contacted by residents — especially older ones — about the issue.

Councillors often complain at council meetings that the city does not do enough to stop cyclists from using footpaths. In response, officials claim the issue is purely an enforcement problem which is out of their hands, but Dublin City Council council is increasingly using designs which mix cyclists and pedestrians.

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Road safety should not be based on half facts

A cycling crossing of Luas tracks: Can you see the tram traveling at speed?

“Supporters of helmets often tell vivid stories about someone they knew, or heard of, who was apparently saved from severe head injury by a helmet. Risks and benefits may be exaggerated or discounted depending on the emotional response to the idea of a helmet. For others, this is an explicitly political matter, where an emphasis on helmets reflects a seductively individualistic approach to risk management (or even ‘victim blaming’) while the real gains lie elsewhere.”

That’s Ben Goldacre, of Bad Science fame, and David Spiegelhalter, Winton professor for the public understanding of risk, writing in the British Medical Journal about the complex issue of mandatory bicycle helmets.

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High-vis on cyclists unlikely to stop dangerous overtaking

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High-visibility vests, often handed out by the Gardai and schools, are unlikely to help cyclists from the most dangerous overtaking according to researchers.

The conclusions came from a study using an ultrasonic distance sensor attached to a bicycle used on a daily commute.

The average gap which a motorist left while overtaking the cyclist was recorded at 1.18 meters, a decrease of more than half a meter from a study at the end of the 70s when the average gap was 1.79 meters.

Today’s average is notable shy of the 1.5 meter minimum passing distance recommended by safety bodies, including the Road Safety Authority.

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New greenway in County Mayo set to open in Spring

aA new 9 km greenway between Castlebar and the National Museum of Country Life, Turlough, Co Mayo is set to open in Spring.

The route which follows the Castlebar River and runs parallel to the N5 is planned to form part of a network of greenways around Mayo.

A number of planned projects combined would result in a walking and cycle network linking Killala to Westport via Ballina, Foxford, and Castlebar. At Westport it would link it with the Great Western Greenway and an under construction route to Croke Patrick, which in-turn link is planned to link to the planned Connemara Greenway to Galway City.

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Speed limits review isn’t “more credible”

Speed limit review
Only in Ireland: A 60km/h school zone pictured on the cover of the Speed Limits Review report

“We need to ensure that the right speed limits are in operation on the right roads” said transport minister Leo Varadkar at the start of the year when he announced that speed limits will be reviewed. Yesterday the Speed Limits Review report was published.

The aim, the report says, is to restore credibility in speed limits which it’s hopped will “improve safety and reduce collisions”

But the report just isn’t credible.

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