DublinBikes expansion construction starts

On-street work on the expansion of DublinBikes is starting on Talbot Street. The current station is to have additional stands added to it. From dublinbikes.ie: “Temporary Station Closure – Talbot Street (14/10/2013) … Read more

Cyclists: Hurry to have your say on the Dublin area cycle network

Dublin cyclists wishing to comment on the Greater Dublin Area cycle network plan must do so before the 5pm deadline tomorrow.

All of our coverage can be read here. The National Transport Authority has published a written report and maps here — you give your feedback, make a comment or attach your submission at the bottom of the same page.

Below is a guild to locating the maps for the Dublin metropolitan area:

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IMAGES: What can Irish cities learn from cycling in Amsterdam?

Dublin and Amsterdam are cities of a similar enough scale in many ways, both have many narrow city centre streets, their population sizes and density are not a million miles different, and both have similar climates so suffer very similar weather. But Amsterdam residents cycle a lot more and one of the key differences is how that city’s streets and roads are designed for cycling; so, what can Dublin learn from its Dutch counterpart? And can other Irish cities pick up tips along the way?

Cycling in the city centre should be attractive to all, not just mostly male adults:


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Blackrock bypass upgrade retains design “exposing pedestrians and cyclists to greater danger”

slip turn example
A slip turn from the Frascati Road onto Mount Merrion Avenue — the council plans to reduce the size of the lane.

Upgrade plans for the Blackrock bypass in Co Dublin includes left slips turns which one state agency branded a “significant risk” to pedestrians and cyclists.

Two sets of design guidelines recommend removing these slips from urban areas.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in a report on the plans, says that it is “committed to providing high quality pedestrian and cycle facilities” and that the upgrade is design to “improve the pedestrian and cycle facilities”.

However, the council’s plans for Frascati Road and Temple Hill goes against guidelines covering slips turns, having pedestrian crossings on all legs of junctions, and omitting staggered crossings.

Slip junctions are retained at a number of locations, including at Mount Merrion Avenue, at the main access to Frascati Shopping Centre, and access points into and out of Blackrock Village — just one slip junction along the route is to be removed and another is to be converted into bus-only.

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