Good example of cycling friendly traffic calming in Dublin?

Some traffic calming from Dublin City Council which seems cycling friendly — anybody use it? Any feedback? It’s on the edge of the 30km/h zone at the top of King’s Inns Street, between DIT Bolton Street and a secondary school.

UPDATE: Some discussion on this on here… Should it have included changing the street to contra-flow for cyclists?

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Call for database to help return stolen bicycles to owners

Vandalised and partly stolen bicycles in Dublin’s Docklands

Cycling campaigners want a bicycle database rolled out nationally to aid gardai in returning recovered stolen bikes to owners.

A localised bicycle registration scheme at the Bridewell garda station in central Dublin was extended in recent weeks to Donnybrook station, but while campaigners call the schemes “commendable” they are eager to see it expanded.

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Hogan’s department criticised for axing key Dublin cycling role

There's always one... Dublin’s lord mayor and cycling campaigners have criticised the decision by Fine Gael minister Phil Hogan’s department to end a key role aimed at promoting cycling and making road conditions safer for cyclists.  

Critics of the move point to the national cycle policy which promises to require each local authority to assign a senior level cycling officer, and to increase cycling levels to 10 percent of commuters nationally.

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