Construction on a “high quality” segregated two-way cycle route on Dublin’s quays could start next year. The cycle route is planned to link The Point in the east with Heuston Station and the Phoenix Park in the west.
After ‘key stakeholder’ consultation last week, the head of one of the city’s business groups called the latest outline designs “a well structured plan that will work for all”.
Richard Guiney, CEO of the Dublin City Business Improvement District, tweeted last week: “NTA & @DubCityCouncil plan for new cycle route from Heuston St to The Point is a well structured plan that will work for all.”
The plan is set to go out to full public consultation later this year, but the project will likely mainly depend on the approval of Dublin City councillors. While some suburban councillors may be resistant to the plans, the expansion of DublinBikes around Heuston will add to the focus on the need to make the quays safer for cyclists.
Our survey last year found that 66% of Dublin politicians support changing quays for a cycle route.