Contra-flow cycle path opens to Windy Arbour Luas Stop

A contra-flow cycle path has opened to Windy Arbour Luas Stop in Dublin 14. The new path on St Columbanus’ Road is part of the Luas-UCD-Dart walking and cycling route which is under construction.

This end of the project also includes marked parking spaces outside houses shown on the left of the first image below.  The provision of extra parking spaces and the use of bollards along the cycle path is linked to high level of footpath parking in the area.

Below are images of the path — thanks to Shane Hogan:

Windy Arbour Luas contra-flow 1 Windy Arbour Luas contra-flow 2

Windy Arbour Luas contra-flow 3a

Windy Arbour Luas contra-flow 4

MORE: Luas to Dart via UCD – Public Consultation Report
MORE: Luas to Dart via UCD – Public Consultation Drawings
MORE: Luas to Dart via UCD – Post Public Consultation Report

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  1. I wish they would put bollards on the Newton Ave cycle path in Blackrock. Cars, vans and lories are regularly parked on it. Even an under-cover Garda car once, we had words it did not go to well for me…

  2. Every contra flow cycle lane should have those bollards fitted as standard. Leaving them out pretty much renders the lane useless and potentially more dangerous.

  3. Nooooooo Shane. As a resident of Blackrock I would hate to see those bollards placed along Newtown Ave. They are an awful blight on the urban environment. I use the route fairly regularly and to the best of my memory can’t recall cars parked on the contra-flow lane. Although I’m sure it does happen, it’s probably not that much of a problem as there is plenty of parking available along the street and enforcement around the village is reasonably vigilant. I would stress to anybody reading this – bollards should only be used as a last resort and only in response to a persistent problem that can’t be solved via enforcement.


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