DublinBikes stations open on northside and near St James

Five new DublinBikes stations have opened in the last 10 days — including two on the northside and three near St James Hospital.

There are now only 25 stations to be opened to reached the planned 102 stations, up from 44 stations in place before the current expansion started.

A number of the stations due to be opened have been near-complete for some time, including stations at Hueston railway station and on Parkgate Street.

Two new stations on the northside were announced as opened yesterday — Station 77 on Wolfe Tone Street, which is beside Nandos on Mary Street, and Station 101 on King Street North, just east of the junction with Church Street.

Three new stations open last week in and around St James Hospital — these were Station 81, St James Hospital (Central), Station 82 at Mount Brown, which at the west end of James’s Street, and Station 84 on Brookfield Road, which is at the west side of the hospital.

Meanwhile, it was announced recently that Belfast’s system is to open next spring and the Coke-Zero branded public bike share system in Cork, Limerick and Galway won’t be ready until after the summer. Contracts were signed with a consortium of companies set to run the system but launch has been set back until sometime “this autumn”.

3 thoughts on “DublinBikes stations open on northside and near St James”

  1. I like the expansion very much but do notice that most (new and old) stations are quite empty. I cannot believe all these bikes are out and about all of the time. This makes me wonder if they actually increased the number of bicycles and if they did if there are enough to go with the new stations.


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