Clarity on the operation of bicycle shops in the COVID-19 lockdown is needed from the Government, says TD.
Paul McAuliffe TD (FF) said: “I am calling the government to clarify and amend the list of essential retail outlets to allow bicycle repairs to take place on a drop off and collection basis. The current guidelines are not clear.”
Deputy McAuliffe made the comment on Twitter on April 16, but confirmed on Thursday that he has yet to receive a reply.
“They appear to suggest that these services can operate only when a bicycle is collected from a remote location such as the person’s home. For many bicycle repair shops this is not practical and exposes their workers to a greater risk. Instead Government should permit customers who need urgent repairs on their bicycle to drop it off at the repair shop and collect at a later time. Obviously it would involve the use of social distancing and other sensible precautions,” said McAuliffe.
He added: “Many essential workers travel to work on their bicycle and need to get repairs made. This is a small clarification that would allow Dublin’s cyclist to continue using a great mode of transport.”
Cycling has become more important for frontline and other essential workers. Last month we reported how River Cycles, a Dublin bicycle shop, is offering free repairs for front line hospital staff and firefighters.