— Family of young woman ask for witnesses to come forward.
Dublin City Council has installed plastic bollards on a cycle lane painted last year which was the site of a collision between a truck driver a young woman on a bicycle.
The bollards were installed in the last week at the junction of The Coombe into St Luke’s Avenue / Cork Street in Dublin 8.
The collision — which happened on Wednesday October 21, 2020 — resulted in a 19-year-old woman suffering from “serious and complicated injuries” from which recovery is expected to take some time.
IrishCycle.com was the only media outlet to cover the collision at the time after a reader send in the above photograph of its aftermath.
The family of the woman then contacted this website and have asked that any witnesses to please come forward.
IrishCycle.com asked the Gardai press office in December for an update on the case and we have followed up on this request today. The Garda press office said that it “remains an active investigation” and today the press office said that there are no further updates on the case.
Some protection has finally been added to this junction at the bottom of Cork Street!
Haven’t cycled it yet but interested to see how much comfort it gives when cycling straight on into Coombe (it definitely solves for people turning left onto Cork Street).
Thanks @DCCTraffic! pic.twitter.com/Qlbwbxas1w— Derek Doyle (@dgdoyle84) January 28, 2021
A member of the public previously pointed out the potential danger linked with the cycle lane:
The painted cycle lane runs across the junction following the red line.
The problem is that this leads cyclists to take the a dangerous position at the junction and gives them no protection. pic.twitter.com/QnXOC3k00d— Derek Doyle (@dgdoyle84) February 6, 2020
This appears to be yet another ‘the ass has already bolted’ reaction to an obvious danger that had not been addressed.
The measures put in place are symptomatic of such a response.
When will DCC and councils around the country roll out cycling and pedestrian infrastructure that is state of the art, protects ALL road users and encourages all age groups to cycle and walk?
Another few deaths? And catastrophic injuries?
Donal you are right to point out this post hoc approach taken by road authorities to protecting bike users after a calamity.
The design guidance should direct protection from the outset. The road safety audit review process should also detect any mistakes.
It was the same at the junction with Greenfield Park in Donnybrook at the Stillorgan Road-Nutley Lane junction where a young TCD engineering students was crushed under a L-turning construction HGV. The bollards were only installed after his death!