M50 to Sandyford link continues trend of mixing cyclists and pedestrians

Planned junction between new ESB Link Road and the Blackthorn Road

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is planning to build a new road which will more directly link the Sandyford Business Park and the M50. The project continues the trend of councils mixing cyclists and pedestrians at junctions and other locations. 

Named ‘ESB Link Road and Link to Arena Road’ the planned works are to include just under 1km of road redesign.

The main link will be between the M50 roundabout at the Leopardstown Road and the Blackthorn Road in the business park. While the secondary link is an extension of Arena Road to meet the new road. 

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Study on future of Dublin streets due within 6 months

IMAGE: An artist’s impression of College Green as envisaged by the Draft City Centre Transport Assessment Study

A report outlining a practical vision of how to give cyclists, pedestrians and public transport extra space on Dublin city centre streets is expected to be finalised and released in the first half of this year.

Following the coverage of the Draft City Centre Transport Assessment Study, by the The Irish Times in September, this publication requested a copy of the draft study from the National Transport Authority and Dublin City Council.

Both rejected the request which was made under environment freedom of information, the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) regulations.

However, in its rejection letter in October, the NTA said: “It is anticipated that the study will be finalised and available in the first half of 2014.” It said Dublin City Council and the NTA continue to work on the study.

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IrishCycle.com: 50 most viewed of 2013

Top 50 most viewed articles and posts of 2013 on IrishCycle.com (and formally CyclinginDublin.com)… Cyclists to be pedestrianised at Killiney Towers Roundabout Royal Canal Greenway design puts users at “increased risk” Gardai … Read more

Cyclists deaths on Irish roads at joint low in 2013

3373537590_5cf7e9242fFive cyclists were killed on Irish roads in 2013, three less than the previous year and a joint 20-year low shared with 2010.

The decline is the opposite of the general trend, which includes overall road deaths rising from 160 to 189 deaths in the last year. The overall amount of deaths included 29 pedestrians, 27 motorcyclists, 95 motorists and 32 passengers of motorists.

Four out of five of the cyclists were killed on roads in rural areas, and three out of five died in the first three months of the year.

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