
Do we have a morbid preoccupation with cycling danger?

4517967520_9a62baff89An insightful letter published in the British Medical Journal makes the point that we have a morbid preoccupation with cycle danger and that the British Medical Association support of compulsory helmets was based on a “single isolated study in unusual circumstances.”

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Agony aunt’s murderous driving thoughts go unchallenged on RTE

2973323398_defe8d098a (1)“Agony Aunt Extraordinaire” Tina Koumarianos went unchallenged on national radio this morning when she said on RTE Radio 1 that motorists share stories of wanting to run cyclists off the road.

“People don’t talk about this because it’s not very PC to slam cyclists but… not publicly, but everybody to each other says ‘I felt like running them off the road’,” said Koumarianos, who is also the social editor of Image magazine.

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On-the-spot cyclist fines could be higher than €50

Department of Transport has just released this statement re on-the-spot fines for cyclists:

Fixed charge notices for cyclists to be introduced in line with Road Safety Strategy

The Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport has confirmed that fixed charge notices will be extended to include cyclists from 2014, in line with the current Road Safety Strategy.

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A third place – a place for cyclists

UK cycling blog As Easy As Riding A Bike posted last month asking “When people demonstrate they don’t want to cycle with traffic, why don’t we listen?

As Easy As Riding A Bike says:

“Rail trails, and seafront paths, are the everyday equivalent of Skyrides; places where people can ride bikes in comfort, away from traffic. Demand is high for these routes, even if their quality is sometimes dubious.”

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“Full segregation” claim not matched by plans for Stillorgan Park Road upgrade

Mix match
A shared use footpath, a segregated cycle path, and shared surface roundabout all in one.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council have published a report from their consultants about a planned upgrade of the Stillorgan Park Road.

Elsewhere the council are planning a highly promising looking cycle segregated route on Braemor Road and they are making small but very effective interventions such as barrier removal. But the Stillorgan Park Road project is still the kind of thing that gives segregation of cyclists a bad name.

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