
Royal Canal Greenway design puts users at “increased risk”

– Report says design likely to increase pedestrian and cyclist conflicts 

The current view of the M50 crossing (Image: Royal Canal Feasibility Report )
The current M50 crossing — pictured above — will be narrowed. (Image: Royal Canal Feasibility Report )

Transport minister Leo Varadkar says engineers assure him designs of a section of the Dublin to Galway cycle route are safe, despite a consultant’s report highlighting increased risk between cyclists and walkers.

“The designs are the responsibility of the engineers who assure me that the proposed routes adhere to safety standards,” said Minister Varadkar.

But safety problems with how the Royal Canal Greenway route crosses the M50 – linking Varadkar’s West Dublin constituency with Dublin City – were identified in a report by planning consultants Atkins.

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DublinBikes expansion deal not yet reached with JCDecaux

DublinBikes expansion into the Docklands and around Heuston Station is not a done deal. That’s despite a re-announcement from the government that the expansion is to get millions in funding.

A spokesman for Dublin City Council welcomed the extra funding but confirmed that talks have not concluded with JCDecaux — the advertising company which runs the bike sharing scheme and owns the rights to the design of the bicycles and docking systems.

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