Members of the public are being asked if the anti-rat running bollards — otherwise known as filtered permeability — on Pigeon House Road in Dublin should be made permanent, if the trial should be extended in time, or if the filter should be removed and the road reverted to how it was before the pandemic.
Public consultation, which is open until Friday, January 21, includes a survey that can be accessed via the council’s consultation hub.
The trail which blocks off through motor traffic has been in place since August 2020.
A similar scheme in Grangegorman which was implemented in 2020 was made permanent by a vote by local area councillors in January 2021. Before the pandemic, another similar scheme in Drumcondra was also made permanent by councillors in that area.
After some initial apprehension, there is understood to be strong general local support for maintaining the measures, but it is unclear of the position of all local area councillors when it comes to making the scheme permanent. The project has already been extended by councillors once for a further 12 months from after the original year of the trial.
The council said:” Pigeon House Road is a residential area and reports from elected Councillors and members of the public outlined there were on-going issues of speeding, congestion, rat-running, noise and air pollution. Dublin City Council proposed a scheme to promote cycling and pedestrian transport while make the neighbourhood a more liveable community where conditions are better for all residents in the area.”
Officials said that based on observational surveys and research, the negative impact is that some motorists have to take a more circuitous route, but the council said that this means that there has been less motor traffic on local streets which has “created a safer space for local residents, pedestrians, cyclists which include children attending local schools in Cambridge Road and surrounding areas” and encourages “walking and cycling, interaction and inclusion”.
The council added: “It is important to note that emergency services continue to have access through the filtered permeability measures in cases of emergency and this was one of the critical design briefs taken into consideration at initial design stages.”
It’d be great if this was joined up tidily to the Sean Moore road,instead of at the roundabout
and Sean Moore road had a proper wide cycle lane
The council said they will be linking the two way path to modal filter.