“Every lane is a bike lane”




The above images shows an ad campaign run awhile ago by Metro, LA’s transport authority.

It’s aim is to drive the message home that cyclists sometimes do need to keep away from the kerb, they can’t always use bike lanes, and that they need to move out into the middle of a lane (aka “cycling in the middle of the road”) so they can switch lanes and to turn.

Would an ad campaign like this be useful in Ireland?

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Cork, Galway, Limerick bike schemes move forward

A photomontage showing how the Cork bike scheme could look like

City councils in Cork, Galway and Limerick are push ahead with planning for the regional bike schemes

Two of the three of the respective councils have published proposed station locations and photomontages of their schemes today and yesterday:

In the name of traffic calming — but Galway City can’t be blamed for this cycling unfriendly design

Among loads of plans for traffic calming, and using traffic calming laws, Galway City Council are pushing apparent cycling unfriendly “traffic management” changes to a key entry point to the city centre from its western suburbs.

The first image below shows what a section of Father Griffin Road in Galway City could look like. The road is a key route into and around the city centre from places such as Salthill, which has 9% cycling modal share.

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