Q1-Q4: Who responded

For the 2013 Cycling in Dublin newspaper, we surveyed Dublin’s TDs and councillors to get an overview of politicians’ opinions on cycling; here we publish extra details with analysis by Cian Ginty and Colm Moore. Results should be read in the context set out across the following pages:

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Q1-Q4: Who responded

In total 64 (36%) out of 177 Dublin politicians participated in the survey. Only 8 were TDs (MPs) and the rest were councillors from the four main Dublin councils. The low amount of TDs can partly be partly be explained the high amount of Dublin-based ministers or junior ministers — regardless, because of the low amount little can be said about the views of TDs alone. We can however generalise about the Dublin politicians who responded.

A healthier 54 (42%) of the total 130 city and county councillors responded – perhaps with an eye on next year’s local elections. The best response rates were from politicians in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown council area at 44%. Councillors and TDs from the Dublin City and South Dublin council areas were tied at 37%. There was a relatively poor response rate of 27% from the more rural Fingal area. No politicians identified themselves as primarily representing the Balbriggan Town Council area.

The data from Fingal is likely less reliable when broken down as a lower percentage of potential respondents replied from this area (27% compared to ~40% elsewhere).

The following two images covers all respondents:


– By Colm Moore

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